Tips to keep your eyes healthy when traveling in summer

Tips to keep your eyes healthy when traveling in summer

Summer weather conditions are hot and dusty. As well as summer tourism activities such as swimming… There are many risks of harm to the eyes. In addition to the damage caused by ultraviolet rays, the eyes are also very susceptible to infections and allergies during every summer trip.

So, in the summer, you should note some tips to keep your eyes healthy and protect your eyes better. Let Vtrust Eyes pocket tips to keep your eyes healthy
when traveling in the summer right below!

1. Wear eye protection sunglasses

Wearing sunglasses is a great way to keep your eyes healthy. Moving between locations during travel exposes your eyes to sunlight, dust, rain, wind, insects, etc. Therefore, a small sunglasses will be extremely useful to protect your eyes. Friend.

When we go out in the sun, we tend to squint, from which the skin on both eyes and below the eyelids easily forms wrinkles. Sunglasses are a necessary savior when going out in the sun and good anti-glare. Limit squinting, protect the delicate skin under the eyes.

Eyelids are a sensitive area, if exposed to sunlight and dust for too long, if not cleaned thoroughly, it will easily cause infection. Long-term leads to eyelid cancer. Therefore, you should choose for yourself the right sunglasses. To minimize dust, bacteria affecting the eyelids. Especially those who often work in dusty environments. This is one of the essential healthy eye tips for us.


2. Wash your hands often – Tips to keep your eyes healthy

Hand hygiene is a good habit necessary for everyone. In daily life, hands are the active part, exposed to the most bacteria and dirt. Therefore, washing your hands often, limiting touching your eyes will help you prevent eye-related diseases that can be spread through your hands.

Diseases like pinkeye, staph infections or even sexually transmitted infections caused by the bacteria chlamydia trachomatis and gonorrhea are all easily transmitted from hands to eyes. Bacteria and many infectious diseases can cause long-term vision damage.


3. Supplement good food for eyes – Tips to keep your eyes healthy every day

In addition to focusing on external factors, eye care from the inside is also very important in summer days. In hot, smoky weather, our eyes have to work continuously

Ingredients such as: fish oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Lutein and zeaxanthin, Omega,… are essential ingredients for healthy eyes.

Should eat foods such as: Fish, green vegetables, avocado, eggs, milk, cheese, carrots, papaya, oranges, lemons… Will provide vitamin A, vitamin C, DHA. Helps prevent dry eyes, anti-aging and improves vision. Legumes or green vegetables contain rich sources of bioflavonoids and antioxidants that will help protect the retina, preventing some eye diseases.

4. Use an eye mask

Like it or not, in the summer you still have to go outside, but you can’t stay in the sun room all day. In addition, if the daily work has to work a lot with the eyes (using a computer), the eyes will be very tired and dry. To reduce eye fatigue, you should maintain an eye mask about 1-2 times a week with warm green tea grounds.

After a day’s work out in the sun. We are also exposed to computer screens and phones quite a lot. The light from these devices causes our eyes to become dry and quite tired. Using a face mask is a tip to keep your eyes healthy

Above are some tips to keep your eyes healthy in the summer that Double Care Eye Brain synthesizes to help you have healthy eyes. In addition, we also want to introduce to everyone a wonderful product for the eyes. Everyone can check it out here.



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